Friday, May 15, 2009

Hang loose

Today is Hawaiian day at school .J and i had problems with this yesterday and today because he kept telling me " momma, i am telling you the truth for real life Hawaii boys don't wear shirts !" no when you say that add his little lisp and it is even cuter .Yes that is a muscle shirt under his luau shirt that way he can feel like he has no shirt on when he gets hot and yes he has his swim trunks on CJ did not want to wear his ,i felt for sure he would they are after all gravedigger ones .but he never does what i think he will .That worries me on some levels because i think he will go to college and be a successful man so if history repeats it self then he goes with the same theme he has been then that means he will a band roadie with tons of tattoos.
--p.s. don't you love the shoes ! 9.00 walmart--

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