Tuesday, January 9, 2007

I was being Peter Pan...

hex on you Walt Disney !
is my life not full enough of interesting moments ? why Walt why ?
as i sit enjoying my nice smooth going evening. dinner done. kids being nice and quite watching a movie in the play room...
and folks there in lies the problem.
never ever think just because your two sweet loving boys are quite that they are being good .
in fact run ,run as fast as you can ! if the noise stops at any time get there quick! you could stop the fire,broken window, broken bone, what ever it is that they are about to do ,as long as you are there with in the first minute that the room goes quite.
but tonight my defences were down they got me when i wasn't looking (always look folks .always)
i am talking on the phone to my mom and i hear a bang ,out of the bedroom -not the playroom- comes little J holding his head .in between the tears i can make out.
my sweet little guy was just doing what little guys do . trying to fly. from him brothers head board ,and hit his head on the foot board .by the way my husband, my mother, my father, and my sister (that my mother had on three-way) all say "hey he got some good distance " OK guys not the point !
we now have a big goose egg right above his eyebrow .
after i get the ice bag ,counsel my child on how he is not peter pan and he can not fly ,i get back on the phone with my mother who i know will be so supportive .wrong as i pick up the phone i hear my mom and my sister singing the peter pan song "i can fly" while they laugh their head off .
there is no love for this mommy .
by the way
his daddy has now given peter pan flying lessons on how the next time he can really get some air !
i am raising 3 boys .
3 .

1 comment:

burrsmom said...

You are the one who has always said: " I don't want them to ever grow up" I blame this on you!! Just some advice, never keep glitter in your house. You are just asking for Tinkerbell to show up!! Does this make you Captain Hook? XXXOOO