so tonight i boiled up a dozen eggs
- like every other mother in the world did -
and we sat down to color them - we are into the whole Easter thing - we have the Religious aspect covered .they know how Jesus died on the cross to pay for our sins out of His great love for us .they know that He did this so we could all be in heaven with Him .
-the problem starts there -
ya see they dont want to go .
they want to stay here with their this is going to be a trip for a week or two - so i said that i am sure the God has a very special place for the dogs .nope not good enough.they want to stay with their friends ,their cousins ,their grandparents ,toys,house ,all of these i had and answer for .i thought i was good ,knew i had it all covered .nope the tears started .tears real tears .my kids dont want to go .and really i am sure that there are days when peter looks down and sees the things i go thu day after day ,he looks at the Boss and says
"are you really sure you want them here?"
but for now i will stop this conversation with my boys knowing that one day they will understand that this trip is one that i have been trying to prepare them for all their lives.
then i stop and think
"HEY they never said a thing about staying here with me and daddy !"