Monday, May 28, 2007

more tid bits

the boys have become gardeners~ they have started a stick garden with a rock or two and some moss~ ya see i told them that nature lives outside and wants to stay there so this way i dont have sticks and rocks breaking things and poking things in my house~ so far it has worked but i fear that we wont be able to pull in the driveway after too long~~~~~~~
we found this indoor bounce house thing through a friend called leaping lizards~way neat even big C got in~
my sister goes to one in Texas~i wanted to go but never got a chance before we left~so now we have one~neat neat neat !

ok last tid bit

big C went to work and was told that the 2nd shift supervisor was layed off so guess who is now the 2nd shift guy~i dont know what this guy did anyway because 2nd shift always called here at all hours~so starting tomorrow he will go to work at 3 pm and come home after midnight~things they are a changing around here* now i cant have the hot guys coming over all day and i cant get my nails done nor can i eat bon bons all day*but i can let him answer the door when the Jehovah witness come knocking~ill get a break that way~also the boys can spend time with daddy when he is not totally wiped out after work~now work can have him after we wipe him out~we will work it all out one way or another~we always do im really more flexable then i look .i think it was all those years i trained for the Olympics HA HA HA

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