Friday, June 22, 2007

the smell of cardboard

aaahhhhh! the smell of cardboard ... it waffs(sp) through my house .the stale musty smell that i cant get out of my nose .its just great (sarcasm)-i cant wait to get home and get a chocolate candle from triple scent ! nothing i have here can make my house smell like anything other then cardboard and homemade cookies or cardboard and peach cobbler or cardboard and get the point - and yes i like food candles
we have packed the playroom minus a few things that can go in a toy box and get tape shut the boys room and living room are both packed the kitchen is getting there the bathrooms are next and i only have 12 days left !
my room (ominous music) is the last frontier i am dreading it - as anyone in my life will tell you my room is the black hole . it is and always has been a mess - you know how it is. you start cleaning at the front of the house and work your way back and well folks my bedroom is not at the front .
i am sending the boys to vacation bible school next week and that is the time that i and the hubby will tackle the bedroom (not that way you sickos ) and garage .
the kitchen,pantry/laundry room i can do at night when the rest of the world sleeps . (as i sit and blog at 1am) i am confidant that the when the day to load the truck comes .i will be ready !
but then again i am the same person that is confidant that one day i will find a very small very clean and shiny man in my Tide bottle (read story time)

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1 comment:

antronka said...

we got new candles @ THE SHOP they smell wonderful Ill save ya 1