Monday, July 30, 2007

I was told today by a person of great knowledge and insight that
"The work part of a job is not fun ,but the money part is "
Now before you agree and think that i surround myself with great scholars and the like ,understand that this was one of my 4 year olds . we have started charts again -we do this when thing get off track a bit and we need to set it straight .only this time we added the aspect of money . i wanted to make it 3 jobs a week doing them everyday for 0.50 a week but i have been ridiculed and harassed about that amount .i was called cheap and compared to June cleaver from leave it to beaver . so the amount has been upped to 1.00 a week.(about .15 a day)
-picture this ,at the end of the day my day laborers come to me with their cup in hand (no not a tin one) asking for their pay . sad very sad
even sadder is that it reminds me of the days that i worked out in the working world with grown ups but the only difference was i was the one holding out a cup

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