i have no problem with people not wanting to have kids .really i dont at all .i am glad that they know that and are not pressured into having them because it is the "norm" but to have them and then be hateful about it .it shows me that she did not have the backbone to stand up against the pressure she said she felt and say no i dont want kids .that is her own fault. a lack on her part . but now that she has done this ,accepted this gift from God she should suck it up and shut her mouth .i have never heard someone say " hey if you are self centered or selfish ,then you need to have kids ! its the job for you ! " i have always known when i had kids that i would not be the most important person around .i am sick of hearing woman complain about how hard it is having kids .guess what ladies all of us other moms know it is hard and trying .join the club you knew that when you took this job on .but you do this job out of love .with a hope and a prayer that you and all your hard work in raising this person will make the world a better place praying that the things you have taught them the things you have shown them will help them make the world better .i understand that we dont ever get the time with our husbands like we did before we had kids and that we dont have the relaxed easy life we had before .well then make the time .find a way .i understand burn out .i treasure the 20 minutes a night that i get with big C alone .i would like more ,really i would but i also understand that there will be a time that the boys are all grown up and i will have all the time with hubby i can stand ! so i treasure the time i have with my boys now .it wont last .
ok i have vented thanks and for listening -this is the longest blog i think i have ever done .
i will get off my soap box
thanks -read the article
French mom offers 40 reasons not to have kids
Posted: Aug 23rd 2007 7:13AM by Lauren GreschnerFiled under: Emotional Health, Women's Health
People are either going to love the author interviewed in this article or they're going to hate her. Corinne Maier, a French mother of two, has written a book called No Kid: 40 Reasons Not to Have Children. From what the interviewer says about the book, it sounds as though Maier is pretty fierce and truly feels her life was better before kids. In the actual interview though, she seems slightly more humorous (albeit in a dark way).
Maier believes the French Government promotes the idea of family in that country in order to keep the economy running -- more kids equals more consumers to sell goods to after all, and also ups the amount of future earners contributing to the country's pension programs.
But Maier also has plenty of personal reasons not to have kids, 20 of which are listed in the piece. They include:
You will lose touch with your friends.
Your child will kill your desire.
Children sound the death knell of the couple.
You will be duped into thinking there is such a thing as a perfect child.
You will be expected to be a mother before you are a professional or a woman.
Children are dangerous. They will take you to court without a second thought.
Some of the reasons are harsh and some humorous, but I also think that some ring true. Possibly the most shocking thing about the book is that this woman, who lives in a society where having kids is often thought to be the only way a woman can really ever be fulfilled -- and in which those of us who haven't had or don't want children are viewed with pity or scorn -- is willing to admit that she regrets having children
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