Tuesday, October 23, 2007

time travel tuesday

well lets see i guess it was years ago when i was on the titanic ,it was this great cruise until ......
no really i have been pretty blessed .i cant remember anything big happening unless it was so bad i blocked it out. well there was that one time i rolled down a hill end over end and then couldn't get out of the car -OK ill tell that one
big c and i were dating and we were on a double date with some friends and the driver was messing around doing fish tales on the side of a hill-hey we were in high school - well anyway ... we flipped and rolled three times end over end and landed upside down . because i was in the back the front seats needed to get folded down for me to get out but it was upside down the roof was crushed up a bit so it made it hard to get out but with help from the guys i did . we went to the hospital in my "boyfriend's" car that we had left on top of the hill .we called my folks to come up with us .big c and i were not hurt so we never told my parents we were in the car . until about 6 years ago we were at my moms and the friend who was driving the car was over and we were reliving our youth and It came out the i was in the car . i got in trouble for lying . so the moral of the story kids is ... never relive your youth in front of your mom

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