Thursday, September 4, 2008

You learn so much when you come to my house

three thing you need to know for this blog post
1. this is Reese -he's 4

2 . Yid·dish 1.a High German language with an admixture of vocabulary from Hebrew and the Slavic languages, written in Hebrew letters, and spoken mainly by Jews in eastern and central Europe and by Jewish immigrants from these regions and their descendants.
3.Oi, Vai! - yiddish meaning-Dear me! Expression of dismay or hurt
ok here we go .yesterday little c stayed home "sick",you know feeling better but not at the 24 hour mark to go to school .well he was really pushing the limits of my patience .i must have said "oi, vai ! " all day because my friend Reese who is very funny and precocious( he is one of the boys i watch in my "not doing daycare again" daycare .) he is a hoot ! anyway we were at the $.99 store today and we were walking to the car and we were talking i don't even remember about what and HE says "oi,vai !" i had to stop walking i was laughing so hard .
see even when you are not in school you can learn so much just by hanging out with me .
people who know me just have to know how lucky they are !

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