Monday, October 13, 2008

Dying mom blog

so i blog hop around and find interesting blogs to read - cyber stalk - i found a link to this one on aol about 4 months ago .about a catholic mom who was dying and how she was preparing herself husband and kids . ok so it was really a cry fest, a big slap in the face about how blessed i am . well she passed away on the 11th . all i can think of are those poor kids ! - i have no kids today in daycare so im going to lunch with my guys------
by the way when i went to see my precious little boys at lunch ,just knowing that i would hear mommy ! i am so glad you are here ,you are the best ,you made my whole day ...or any other expressions of love like that .i just knew i would get that but no i got aaww mommy why are you here ? and they hardly talked to me they took off to go play after lunch and J was holding some little girls hand - no he didnt know her name just running around holding her hand and having what i am sure was a deep and meaningful conversation with her ---you know the one we were going to have because i came for lunch

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