Thursday, March 12, 2009

our week so far

lets see this week started out with our ccd teacher calling in so i had to come up with a last minute lesson . we went to school on Monday we got there even though i lost my keys and had to ask a daycare mommy to take us .CJ came home saying he had a headache .he had had a yucky nose sunday too so i thought it was a cold because he is on all kinds of allergy med and asthma med and still had this so i gave him yet more medicine for his headache . .that night about 11pm he had a 103 temp he stayed home till this week benedrill and ibuprofen seemed to work so he got to go back to school today .i missed one art class(Js) but i am going today to do paper mache planets with cjs class

1 comment:

My kids are better than yours said...

wah wah wah!! want me to call the wahbulance??? lol Now this is just 1 more reason my kids are better than yours!!