Tuesday, April 17, 2007

not much

not much going on here
kids/basketball/buddies over to play/wash/dishes/getting ready for mother in law visit /oh made a hat at craft night love ya all

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MOM said...

This may be a double, but here goes--
WOW!!! This site really looks great:-)
The boys look good and the Hat Wreath really looks nice. My front door is pretty dull looking, so a Georgia Hat Wreath would probably spruce it up a bit, eh?
Remember all eggs contain a lot of protein, and think of all the chickens that you are keeping employed!!
Love to all, MOM

Julie said...

Cute pictures! Did you get my crazy messages last weekend? I was so very confused. I had one person telling me you were in Texas visiting so I was freaking out and then another person telling me that you were still in Georgia. I trust that you will let me know ahead of time if you are making a trip to see me. Hopefully we will have a baby soon (who knows...this could be the longest pregnancy in the history of the world) and you will have a great reason to come home to visit.