Saturday, June 30, 2007

reality sucks

today i take a second and look in the mirror at myself ,and i see what i thought at first was a smudge of dirt or newspaper print -something other then what it was - a wrinkle ! OK so i have seen a gray hair once or twice not many .but this is not one of those ones that happens when you smile or anything nice. it is an honest to goodness wrinkle !
i don't get wrinkles i am not old nor am i getting there .my brother in law said the other day "aren't you almost 40" no i am not ! almost 40 is 39 and 9 months !
little C says don't worry it will go away .i told him no it wouldn't because this was an old lady wrinkle he assures me that God will make it go away because God takes away his wrinkles from the bath tub all the time. oh if only i was in the tub too long .

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