a while back on mothers day we (us and siblings) had bracelets made for the grandmothers and great grandmothers, on both sides. that had the birthstones of their kids and grand kids/great grand kids .i had tons left over ,so i made me this one it has the colors from our wedding ,pink for our birthdays and clear(diamond-ha) for the boys .i am kinda proud of me i like it - i would love to wear it but...it is on thread - because i have no idea where to get it made now that the shop that did the others closed .so here it sits all pretty in my kitchen
they smell great !
i think i am in a flowery mood
and what would MY day be without some sort of commotion??
well it would not be my day .the air went out -pant pant .but prayers work because the AC guy had a cancel of sorts so he got to us today instead of OUR appointment -Friday after 5:00